Work Week Devotion 10.30.2016

I Peter 4:10

I Peter 4:10 (NLT): God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

God has gifted and equipped you to serve an important purpose. There are others that need your brand of leadership, teaching, encouragement, hospitality, even humor. You are not in your workplace or neighborhood by accident. He wants to use you to serve your peers, those you answer to and those you lead.

Hopefully you are in a position to use your gifts on a regular basis. If not, why don’t you pray for God to open your eyes to new and creative ways to serve others? There could be opportunities right in front of you that you’re not even aware of. Our God loves creativity and ministry opportunities are virtually limitless if you’re looking for them!

Father, Thank you for the creativity seen in how you have gifted each of us. Forgive us when we use our gifts for selfish gain. Show us how to use our gifts for Your glory and to serve others. Amen.

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