Luke 12:15 (NLT): [Jesus said] “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”
Life is measured by how much you love and how you are loved by others. Life is measured by how you serve God and live for Him. Life is measured by how much you give, even when others never see it. Life is not measured by how much you own. Not even close. If life WERE measured by how much you own, those with the most stuff would be the happiest people on earth and we see time and again that they are NOT.
What does it look like to guard against greed? Maybe for you it means giving that extra dollar to the waitress or putting it in the donation bucket. Maybe it looks more like buying school supplies for a needy kid rather than going out to dinner. Maybe you’ll give your staff a bonus rather than pocketing all of last month’s profits. To guard against greed means you intentionally give it away when it would be easier and more comfortable to keep it. It’s an intentional choice that boldly says “I will be defined by what I give, not by what I own.”
Generous Father, thank you for giving us such a rich life to enjoy. Please help us recognize opportunities to “give it away” so we can practice guarding against every kind of greed. Show us how to be generous to others as You are so generous to us. Amen.
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