Work Week Devotion Easter 2017

Mark 10:43-45

Mark 10:43-45 (NIV): “…Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

This world tells us to climb the ladder of success and step on as many people as we need on the way up. Our status is determined by how many people are “under” us; who is at our beck and call. As Christians, we are supposed to become more like Jesus as we live in this world. He was above everyone yet He had a servant’s attitude. We should expect no less from ourselves.

Who is your manager, boss or leader? Serve them.
Who do you manage, direct or lead? Serve them.
Serve them like Jesus would – whether or not you think they deserve to be served.

Father God, thank you for showing us the perfect example of servant leadership in Jesus. Please forgive us when pride, insecurity or a hardened heart prevent us from serving others. Help us to serve others the way Jesus would. It’s because of Him and His sacrifice that we can pray – Amen.

Work Week Devotion – Valentine’s Day 2017

Song of Solomon 8:7

Song of Solomon 8:7 (NLT):
Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it.
If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth,
his offer would be utterly scorned.

It’s customary and enjoyable to show love by exchanging gifts on Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Sometimes gifts are lavish and sometimes they are simple. It’s not the gift that makes the love – it’s the love that gives gifts their meaning. If love is there, lack of wealth cannot destroy it. If there is no love, all the money in the world is meaningless.

“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” By now, this phrase has become cliche, but there is so much truth there. We all want success and security and nice things and to provide for those we love but it’s the people that matter. Friendships matter. Relationships matter. Marriages and parenting and mentoring matter. Love is an action. Build love that waters can’t quench. Don’t get to the end of your life and find you are utterly scorned despite your “success.”

Loving Father, thank you for the gift of love and showing us what real love is. Help us to love like you. Please forgive us when we seek wealth before relationships. Amen.

Work Week Devotion 01.29.2017

Ephesians 4:2

Ephesians 4:2 (NLT): Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

Humble and gentle aren’t words often associated with successful business – leader types. But they should be. We absolutely want excellence and growth and achievement but we must never forget that we are dealing with human beings. Where there are no people there is no ministry. If what we’re doing isn’t ministry, it counts for NOTHING.

When you are learning something new or having a bad day, you long for patience, understanding and love from those around you. When you encounter others in those situations, be the person you would long for. Love them like Jesus would.

Patient Father, Thank you for loving us despite our faults and shortcomings. Help us to love others in that same way. Please forgive us when we are not humble and gentle. Let us love like Jesus. Amen.

Work Week Devotion 10.23.2016

Mark 10:23-25

Mark 10:43-45 (NLT): But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.

The world tells us to climb the ladder of success and step on as many people as we need on the way up. Our status is determined by how many people are “under” us; who is at our beck and call. As Christians, we are supposed to become more like Jesus as we live in this world. He was above everyone yet He had a servant’s attitude. We should expect no less from ourselves.

Who is your manager, boss or leader? Serve them.
Who do you manage, direct or lead? Serve them.
Serve them like Jesus would – whether or not you think they deserve to be served!

Father God, thank you for showing us the perfect example of servant leadership in Jesus. Please forgive us when pride, insecurity or a hardened heart prevent us from serving others. Help us to serve others the way Jesus would. Amen.

Make New Friends

Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold!

I think I sang this song in Girl Scouts approximately 782 times. Of course we all know this is true from a figurative standpoint. Friendships are more valuable than any precious metal, but did you know that it can be taken literally as well? In his book Thou Shall Prosper (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010, pg. 61), Rabbi Daniel Lapin has this to say about business and friendship: “Only by actively, perhaps even joyously, interacting with other people can the circumstances of wealth creation be set in place.”

Making friends to try and get something from people NEVER works. It is, of course, also obnoxious. Happily, the side-effect of genuine relationships is expanding business contacts. One of the things I love about having a practice and going to church in the same small-ish (it’s big enough for me!) town is getting to know people and support their business endeavors as they support mine. I wrote about that a little bit in “No Free Pizza!” (which is probably my most popular post to date!) I have recently started seeing posts on Facebook encouraging people to share links to their small business to encourage keeping it local when Christmas shopping. I love seeing that!

Expand your circle. Care for people. Care about their well-being. Find ways to serve them and meet their needs. Do it because friendships make our lives fuller and richer. Do it because we were made for relationships. Enjoy the unexpected business rewards as they come.

Are you actively seeking out new, genuine relationships? Where and how?

Work Week Devotion 08.28.2016

Matthew 5:14-16

Matthew 5:14a, 16 (NIV): You are the light of the world… In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

You were put where you are for a purpose. In front of your students, co-workers, patients, fellow parents. You were meant to be a searchlight in the black night.* The love and light of Christ should shine through you for all to see. How do you accomplish this? Through good deeds.

Your good deeds will look different from your neighbor’s good deeds. Maybe it’s a kind word, a helping hand, forgiveness and grace when it’s least deserved or taking the high road (even if you get a nose bleed!) When you do more than expected or don’t repay ugly with uglier you might get a “Wow! How/why did you do that?” and that’s your chance to praise your heavenly Father. “God loves me so much and He wants me to share that love with others. I want you to know that He loves you, too.”

Loving Father, thank you for giving us the opportunity to be Your light in a dark world. Help us recognize opportunities for good deeds and give us the wisdom and courage to act on them. Let it be not be for our glory but so others will recognize and praise You. Amen.

*This catchy line is courtesy of my friend, Jon Henninger

Work Week Devotion 08.14.2016

Colossians 3:23

Colossians 3:23 (NLT): Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

People can be tough sometimes! They’re demanding, irrational and unappreciative. They don’t always DESERVE your best, but God asks you to give them your best anyway. When you serve a difficult person in love, it says nothing about what they deserve but a lot about the Lord of your life. Rest assured that God sees each time you are mistreated and all of your effort that you think goes unnoticed.

When you get discouraged and are tempted to cut corners remember that God honors good work. When you are ready to throw your hands up in frustration, imagine Jesus standing in front of you. In serving others you are serving and representing Him.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for loving us and giving us the opportunity to love others. Help us remember that even difficult people are created and loved by you. Show us how to serve You through serving others. Amen.


November…the month where people who have complained on social media for the last 10 months suddenly become thankful. I’m sure you’ve seen the posts from friends and family listing things they are thankful for. You’ve no doubt also seen the sarcastic memes and comments from others admonishing them for being hypocrites. It’s not hypocritical to choose to express thankfulness. In fact, it’s when we don’t FEEL thankful that it’s most important to acknowledge that there is always, always something to be thankful for.

When we are thankful we are remembering the blessings in our life and acknowledging things that have turned out the way we hoped they would. Being thankful is a great first step, but it’s through gratefulness that we personally grow and change lives. Gratefulness is expressing thankfulness. Gratefulness grows you as a person and blesses others. Be intentional to show appreciation to others in your life. Say “thank you” to your server, mail carrier, co-workers, boss, clients, pharmacist, anyone who works to make your life better or helps you to accomplish what you need to in every day life. Even the simplest expression of appreciation can turn a day around both for the recipient and the giver.

We are all hypocrites. Every single one of us. We deny our words with our actions. Our emotions are all over the place. We’re singing praises one day and complaining the next. When you choose to express thanksgiving regardless of your previous attitude you chisel away at your selfish nature. But, as with so many things, it’s the action accompanying the feelings that makes the difference in your life and in others.

In this season of thanksgiving remember the words of John F. Kennedy “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.”  If you need a place to start, make a list of what you are thankful for and consider how you can express gratefulness for those things. How can you turn your thanksgiving into a blessing?

The Power of a Smile

I love to smile! I am a generally happy person and as Buddy says in the movie Elf  “I just like to smile! Smiling’s my favorite.” Although I smile a lot, I hate my smile in pictures about 90% of the time. When I scrutinize a photo of myself I see: the cleft in my chin, a narrow mouth (especially compared to my huge face,) lips that thin out when I smile and buck teeth with a chipmunk-esque overbite. I want my smile in pictures to portray how I feel when I smile but it seldom does and that’s frustrating.

Fortunately, my smile doesn’t have to look good in pictures to make a difference in someone’s life. A smile is the same in any language, country or culture. While on a mission trip in the Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian pastor shared (through a translator) that he had been praying for me and God gave him a message for me. He said my smile had great healing powers. God was using it and wanted to encourage me to keep using it because it was “very, very powerful.” What an incredible and humbling experience! It’s not often one gets a message like that, yet I still sit here able to tell you exactly what I DON’T like about this smile that God gave me to use.

Your smile is your welcome to everyone you meet. It can put people at ease, make communication easier, break down emotional barriers and say things when words aren’t even possible. Your smile can also change how you feel. It’s hard to have a smile on your face and be grouchy. I am a big believer in “fake it ’til you make it” when it’s appropriate. Sometimes you have to smile first and feel smiley second. It might be a forced smile at first, it might not feel natural, you might even be grumbling under your breath, but I’d be willing to bet that the longer you keep that smile on your face the more relaxed and real it will become.

Mother Teresa said “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Who can you heal with a smile this week? Maybe YOU are the one who will benefit most. I dare you to smile every single morning and every single afternoon. Smile when you talk on the phone. Smile at your kid or your spouse that you’re frustrated with. Smile at someone who obviously needs it. Smile at your boss. Smile at your server or the person behind you in the grocery store line. Make it a point to smile a little more and let me know how it impacts your week!

Make Some Magic

“Walt’s life teaches us to do a good day’s work and try to make magic for everyone who crosses your path each day. Make their day happy and lighten their burden by taking notice of them.”  – Ron Stark, Disney historian in How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life by Pat Williams (HCI, 2014)

What simple advice to make a HUGE difference in our world! What if each of us as doctors, teachers, business owners, employees, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends made a little effort each and every day to do just a few simple things

  • Do a good day’s work. Go to work. Do your job. Do it well. Do it with joy. Even if you don’t love what you are doing in your career right now, even if you don’t leave your home to do your day’s work, find the joy within you and put your all into your work. The more difficult your work or the less you enjoy it the more fulfilling it will be when you make it good. The day is going to go by anyway…make it a good day!
  • Take notice of people. It’s amazing how many people cross our path on a daily basis. Work, church, store, Facebook, school. How often do you take the time to notice those around you? They are experiencing joys, hurts, confusion, worry and excitement. Even if you don’t have time for a lengthy conversation, Care. Smile. Touch. You might be the only kindness in a difficult day.
  • Make magic and lighten their burden. How cool is that? Doesn’t it just make you smile when you think about making “magic” for someone? Bring someone a cup of coffee or hot chocolate (it’s 20 degrees as I write this)  Write a thank you note. Pass out stickers. YOU can lighten someone’s burden. That is POWERFUL my friends!

When at Walt Disney World a few years ago, my sister was waiting with her almost-two year old in the hot afternoon sun while the rest of the family did something else. A cast member (Disney speak for employee) came over and presented them with some ice cream stating that “Mrs. Potts” (you know, the teapot from Beauty and the Beast) had sent it out to them. Cast members at Disney are empowered to create magic for guests. YOU can do the exact same thing for those you come in contact with. It doesn’t have to take money. It often doesn’t take a lot of time. You just have to be a little intentional. Do a good day’s work. Take notice. Make some magic.