Work Week Devotion Easter 2017

Mark 10:43-45

Mark 10:43-45 (NIV): “…Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

This world tells us to climb the ladder of success and step on as many people as we need on the way up. Our status is determined by how many people are “under” us; who is at our beck and call. As Christians, we are supposed to become more like Jesus as we live in this world. He was above everyone yet He had a servant’s attitude. We should expect no less from ourselves.

Who is your manager, boss or leader? Serve them.
Who do you manage, direct or lead? Serve them.
Serve them like Jesus would – whether or not you think they deserve to be served.

Father God, thank you for showing us the perfect example of servant leadership in Jesus. Please forgive us when pride, insecurity or a hardened heart prevent us from serving others. Help us to serve others the way Jesus would. It’s because of Him and His sacrifice that we can pray – Amen.

Work Week Devotion 08.21.2016

Ecclesiastes 7:14

Ecclesiastes 7:14 (NLT): Enjoy prosperity while you can,
but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God.  Remember that nothing is certain in this life.

Matthew 5:45b (NLT): For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.

We want to practice being faithful when things are easy and when things are tough, in times of plenty and in times of want. We can look at the life of Joseph (Genesis 37, 39-45) – favored in his father’s house, thrown away by his brothers, falsely accused, thrown in/forgotten in jail, finding favor with the king, gaining power and ultimately showing grace to his brothers. He certainly had a roller coaster of a life! We can’t always see the “big picture” or the whole of God’s “upper story.” Sometimes we get blind-sided by a health issue or the actions of others. When these things happen we must resist the “why me?” attitude and remember what it says in Matthew 5:45. We can follow the example of Joseph and do our best to remain faithful in the ups and downs of life remembering that nothing is certain – the sun shines and the rain falls on the just and unjust alike – but God is faithful and one day it will all make so much more sense.

Thank you, Father, for being faithful and good even when we are not. Help us remember that our fortunes can turn at any time and it’s not necessarily an indication of Your favor but a result of the world in which we live. Help us to be faithful during good times and bad. Please forgive us when our faith falters and we cry “Why me?” Amen.