“Walt’s life teaches us to do a good day’s work and try to make magic for everyone who crosses your path each day. Make their day happy and lighten their burden by taking notice of them.” – Ron Stark, Disney historian in How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life by Pat Williams (HCI, 2014)
What simple advice to make a HUGE difference in our world! What if each of us as doctors, teachers, business owners, employees, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends made a little effort each and every day to do just a few simple things
- Do a good day’s work. Go to work. Do your job. Do it well. Do it with joy. Even if you don’t love what you are doing in your career right now, even if you don’t leave your home to do your day’s work, find the joy within you and put your all into your work. The more difficult your work or the less you enjoy it the more fulfilling it will be when you make it good. The day is going to go by anyway…make it a good day!
- Take notice of people. It’s amazing how many people cross our path on a daily basis. Work, church, store, Facebook, school. How often do you take the time to notice those around you? They are experiencing joys, hurts, confusion, worry and excitement. Even if you don’t have time for a lengthy conversation, Care. Smile. Touch. You might be the only kindness in a difficult day.
- Make magic and lighten their burden. How cool is that? Doesn’t it just make you smile when you think about making “magic” for someone? Bring someone a cup of coffee or hot chocolate (it’s 20 degrees as I write this) Write a thank you note. Pass out stickers. YOU can lighten someone’s burden. That is POWERFUL my friends!
When at Walt Disney World a few years ago, my sister was waiting with her almost-two year old in the hot afternoon sun while the rest of the family did something else. A cast member (Disney speak for employee) came over and presented them with some ice cream stating that “Mrs. Potts” (you know, the teapot from Beauty and the Beast) had sent it out to them. Cast members at Disney are empowered to create magic for guests. YOU can do the exact same thing for those you come in contact with. It doesn’t have to take money. It often doesn’t take a lot of time. You just have to be a little intentional. Do a good day’s work. Take notice. Make some magic.
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