The Multi-headed Fear Monster

What do perfectionism, procrastination, comparison and insecurity have in common? They are all heads of the fear monster! They have all kept me from making this first “real” blog post. Oh, it’s not the writing. I enjoy that. (I’ll tell you a secret: I have a notebook full of potential blog posts.) I am a perfectionist when it comes to many things. Some other things…not so much…but if it’s important I want it to be good. I don’t want others to look better than I do. So, I’ve been trying to figure this blog site thing out. Of course, I compare everything to blogs that have been around for a long time or have been professionally done. I want mine to be perfect so I procrastinate. Fear keeps me from just jumping in and doing it. I am insecure *gulp* and don’t want anyone to think I’m stupid or silly or…worse…not worth reading.

This morning, when I was awake at 4:00 am. for absolutely no reason, it just hit me. If I wait for it to be perfect it will never happen. I have so many things I want to share. I can’t let the facts that I’m not sure I have a real “home page” and I can’t figure out how to put my picture where I want it keep me from sharing ideas that could help other people. So…here I go. Posting on a blog site that is not yet perfect. Realizing that it is, like life in general, a work in progress. Realizing that insecurity can paralyze me or I can choose to be empowered in spite of it.  If I wait for perfection it will never happen. And that’s ok. In fact…I think it’s more than ok.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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16 thoughts on “The Multi-headed Fear Monster

    • Oh thank you so much! I will always share the link on my facebook page when there is a new post. Figuring out how to give people ways to follow the blog is one of the things I don’t exactly have figured out yet. I get so overwhelmed by technical stuff!

  1. What a wonderful service you are offering. All you needed was the first word. The Fear Monster: a very clear picture of the crippling effects this monster can create! I have OCD and if I can’t do it perfectly, I face the fear monster. It has been a long journey I have been on. I highly commend you for a great site. (I have never ” blogged”) good luck and keep it coming!

  2. Thanks Jennifer. Right now the fear monster in me that’s saying, “This sounds so stupid! No one’s going to read this!” Is so strong. Maybe God will help me turn on the light and see that he’s not so scary.

    • Of course that’s what it’s saying! You can’t wait until you FEEL ready, you just have to ask God to guide you and be ready to jump in!