Several months ago I read a post by Bruce Van Horn that gave some incredible insight on the word enthusiasm. He said “The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek “en” meaning within and “theos” meaning God. It was used to describe people with God-like abilities or very strong God-inspired ideas and convictions.”
I wrote last time about being passionate and how I’ve felt the need at different times in my life to temper my passion and enthusiasm with being “cool” which (to me it seemed) was synonymous with popular, collegiate and professional. Stifle my excitement or risk not being taken seriously. When I read the above-referenced post it was very affirming. It’s ok, even admirable and desirable to be enthusiastic about important things. Enthusiastic means “God within.” How great is that?
The bible even warns against being cool. Revelation 3:16 says “16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
Don’t be cool. Don’t be lukewarm. Be excited! Be enthusiastic! Discover what you’re passionate about and pursue it! If you’re feeling a little brave comment below and tell us what you’re passionate about and what you’re going to do about it.
(follow Bruce Van Horn on twitter @BruceVH or find him on facebook. He has some great positive posts)
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