Work Week Devotion 02.26.2017

I Timothy 4:12b

I Timothy 4:12b (NLT): Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity.

Everyone is watching. An unbelieving world is watching. Other believers are watching. Some are watching for guidance and inspiration. Sadly, some are watching to catch you in a weak moment. We can’t separate the worldly and the spiritual, work and church, recreation and responsibility.

We are to reflect Christ in all aspects of our lives: the way we do business, the way we treat our families, how we act on vacation, our thoughts when we’re alone. We won’t ever be pure and perfect but we should always remember that we are to be an example to all believers and hopefully to non-believers. After all, everyone is watching.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the patience and grace you extend to us. Please forgive us when we do not reflect Christ as we should. Help us to be an example of light to fellow believers and to an unbelieving world. Amen.

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