Catfish to Corneas

It happened again today. Today, it was because I was having lunch with a friend in our old hometown at a restaurant where we used to work. My family was the original owners and I worked there for many years. It happens every few months at other places, though. Sometimes I am overcome by the overwhelming feeling that no matter how successful a doctor or business owner I am, a part of me will always, ALWAYS miss waitressing. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am thankful that I don’t have to depend on waiting tables to make a living, but I really did love it that much.

More than once, while interviewing a potential employee for my optometric practice, I’ve asked them about a restaurant job on their resume. More than once, the candidate has looked a little embarrassed and said something like “Oh. I was just a waitress.” and I will almost shout “No! Don’t EVER say you were just a waitress.” (unless, of course, you were just a really really bad one!)

I spent four years in optometry school learning to be a doctor, but what I learned as a teenager and young adult working in a busy, very casual, restaurant and a busy, slightly upscale, retail shop has helped me be successful in more ways than I could probably even list. I couldn’t have imagined at the time, but looking back I can see how my spiritual gift of hospitality and secondary love language “acts of service” were in play throughout my entire life.

Having a servant’s heart is a blessing and a benefit, but did you realize you can build your serving skill set? That’s what those of us with a history in the restaurant or retail industry were doing, even at a young age. It’s important to recognize and hone those serving skills. Don’t ever think anything is too insignificant.  If serving fried catfish to boaters straight off the river or motorcyclists fresh off the road can help me be a better doctor, your past service experiences can serve you, too.

To be competitive in any business today, service is the key. If you are looking to better your career situation, and you have experience in the service industry, perfect those skills and market them! If you are an employer interviewing job candidates don’t forget how seemingly unrelated jobs (waiting tables, retail, etc) can give great experience for other life-long careers in business. And always remember: that friendly server at your favorite restaurant? She could be your eye doctor one day!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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