Work Week Devotion 08.13.2017

James 3:1

James 3:1 (NLT): Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.

When someone with military training commits a violent crime, they are often judged more harshly by the courts in light of the training they have received and the responsibility they have accepted. The Bible makes it clear that teachers in the church will be judged more strictly. It is imperative that we remember there are many reasons we could and should be held to a higher standard.
Are you a teacher, doctor or other respected member of the community? It matters what others see you doing socially.
Are you a leader at your workplace? How you react to situations and conduct yourself personally matters.
Do you identify yourself as a Christian? Everything you say OR POST will be put under a microscope, so act accordingly!
You will be judged more strictly. Is it fair? No. Is it right? Absolutely.

Patient Father, Thank You for giving us the opportunity to make a difference in the world. Help us to remember that everything we say and do matters. Please forgive us when we misrepresent Jesus with our words and actions. Amen.