Work Week Devotion 03.19.2017

2 Corinthians 9:8

Second Corinthians 9:8 (NIV): and God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Do you ever get frustrated that you don’t have everything you want? Does someone have a nicer office or building than you? Newer furniture in their home? Newer electronics? It’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparing your blessings to others. It’s easy to confuse what we NEED with what we want and think we deserve.

My guess is that most of us (I understand not necessarily all) have never truly gone hungry or been without a roof of some sort over our head. When we look at the big picture, most of us can say we are “abundantly blessed.” Why are we given what we need – all things at all times? Not so we can boast or feel successful or show off our stuff; it’s so we will abound in every good work. God equips us with what we need, when we need it, so we can do His good work. Appreciate what you have and never forget from Whom it comes and why it is given.

Generous Father, Thank you for supplying our every need. Help us to use our resources to do Your good work. Please forgive us when we are greedy and selfish. Amen.

Work Week Devotion 03.12.2017

Proverbs 16:3

Proverbs 16:3 (NIV): Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.

Most of us like to have a plan. We have a goal and make a plan to get there. What do you do when life doesn’t go as planned? Do you throw up your hands in despair? Do you work harder to force your own agenda even when it’s obvious that it’s not working? How many times have you had to look back, at best, sheepishly or, at worst, extremely thankful that your plan was thwarted?

The key to God’s hand in your success is having His input from the beginning. Prayerfully set your goals. Commit your plans to the Lord. Work diligently, always seeking His leading, prepared to change the course even if it wasn’t in your original plan. Never forget the One who will establish your plans has ways that are far better than ours.

Lord, Thank you for having plans far better than we could ever imagine. Please send us reminders to seek Your will in our plans from the beginning and to look for Your leading as we strive to achieve our goals. Please forgive us when we try to run ahead on our own. Amen.

Work Week Devotion 03.05.2017

Colossians 4:5-6

Colossians 4:5-6 (NLT): Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

Your attitude about your job is often the window outsiders look through to see your heart and the truth about your faith.” Jamie Allen, Central Christian Church Mt. Vernon, IL from “Clock In #2” 09/11/2016

We all have bad days at work. Most of us work alongside people at varying stages of their faith. Believe it or not, these two things make a great combination. Your attitude during a rough time can be one of your greatest witnesses. Even the most cynical person is attracted to someone who is gracious and even-tempered when they could be upset and hot-headed.

Have to stay late to see a patient? Give that patient the best care you can and do it with a smile!
Boss putting unreasonable demands on you? Do your best work and try to give extra.
Have to buy your own classroom supplies because the budget stinks? Be grateful you have everything you need and more.

Life isn’t fair. Your attitude despite that can be the window to your faith.

Gracious Father, thank you for always meeting our needs. Help us to always represent You by having a good attitude. Please forgive us when we are self-centered and selfish. Amen.

To watch Jamie’s “Clock In” series in its entirety please go to

Work Week Devotion 02.26.2017

I Timothy 4:12b

I Timothy 4:12b (NLT): Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity.

Everyone is watching. An unbelieving world is watching. Other believers are watching. Some are watching for guidance and inspiration. Sadly, some are watching to catch you in a weak moment. We can’t separate the worldly and the spiritual, work and church, recreation and responsibility.

We are to reflect Christ in all aspects of our lives: the way we do business, the way we treat our families, how we act on vacation, our thoughts when we’re alone. We won’t ever be pure and perfect but we should always remember that we are to be an example to all believers and hopefully to non-believers. After all, everyone is watching.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the patience and grace you extend to us. Please forgive us when we do not reflect Christ as we should. Help us to be an example of light to fellow believers and to an unbelieving world. Amen.