Work Week Devotion 01.22.2017

Matthew 5:43-45a

Matthew 5:43-45a (NLT): “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.

Many of us would be hard – pressed to say we have “enemies,” but, deep down, most of us have what we might consider “Competition.” Maybe it’s the teacher who always has the most perfect bulletin boards or the other dad who’s better at sports or hunting than you. Maybe a new business has opened and they offer the same services as you – at a lower price.

Whether you’re an employee, parent, business owner or running for public office, most of us can catch ourselves seeing someone else as the competition. You can’t always control the thoughts that pop into your head but you can control what you do with those thoughts. I challenge you to take those thoughts captive and pray blessings over those you might secretly like to see fail. You might be praying through clenched teeth at first but that’s so much better than keeping a clenched fist!

Patient Father, thank you for creating us uniquely and giving us each a special place in this world. Please forgive us when we compare ourselves to others. Help us to keep our thoughts captive and pray blessings over others rather than secretly hoping to see failure. Amen.

Work Week Devotion 01.15.2017

Proverbs 3:9-10

Proverbs 3:9-10 (NLT): Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the best part of everything you produce.
Then he will fill your barns with grain,
and your vats will overflow with good wine.

Giving your first fruits back to God is not necessarily an easy practice to get into. It’s so counter-intuitive. “So you’re telling me I’ll have MORE if I give it away? Wouldn’t it make more sense to pay all my bills and then work with what’s left over?” Yes. That would make more sense. There’s not much faith involved in doing what makes sense. God doesn’t always ask us to do the logical thing. He always asks us to do the obedient thing.

Take a step in faith. Give the Lord your first fruits. Put Him to the test. (Malachi 3:10) See what happens to your barns and vats. You’ll not find a better financial plan.

Generous Father, You give us so much more than we deserve. Help us to be generous and to keep our priorities in order. Please forgive us when we are selfish and don’t trust You with our finances. Amen.