Night is Coming

I can’t believe we only have 2/3 of 2015 left! I’m still making plans of what I think I’ll do this year. I’m still in analysis paralysis mode. That happens to me a lot. I’m pretty good at making plans, but I’m not always good at executing them. “As soon as things slow down…” “later.” “When I have more time…” are things I tell myself when I have a good idea. I love the word “intentional” but I am not as intentional with my time as I should be. I tend to go through life subconsciously feeling like I have all the time in the world. Jesus warns us against that.

In John 9:14 (NIV) He says “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” Jesus is telling his followers that a time is coming when they won’t be able to work, so they must do all they can while they can.

It’s important to live with a sense of urgency. Not panic or sheer busyness but intentional urgency. We only have so much time to accomplish what God would have us do. Thinking we have all the time in the world to accomplish our purpose is the worst kind of procrastination. We have lives to enhance, people to serve and children to teach. We have prayers that need to be placed at the throne and praises that need to be lifted to heaven.

We all have goals and dreams that have been placed in our heart for a purpose. There are things on Earth that you were put here to accomplish and no one is exactly equipped like you. Night is coming. It always gets here quicker than you ever think it will. Search your heart. Make your plan. Most importantly, take action before it’s too late.


Hopefully you read the previous post “Every Walt Needs a Roy.” If you haven’t read it yet, just go ahead and click on it over there on the right —> and read it now.

Every Walt needs a Roy and intrapreneurs are an important asset to a business of almost any size. Intrapreneur is a term that you might not be familiar with. It has been coined just in the past 30 years or so. Intrapreneur describes a person within an organization who is given the resources and freedom to make things happen but doesn’t take on the risks and responsibilities of the entrepreneur. They are often responsible for turning an idea into a finished product.

We’ve all heard and read about the importance of delegation. We can’t be everywhere and do everything. As a business owner, the risk and responsibility ultimately ends up on our desk. Some very talented people don’t have the desire to take up that role but can still take “ownership” over some of the operations. If you can give some resources and freedom to a trusted team member you might be surprised at how much more can be accomplished within your organization. Give someone the opportunity to grow and surprise you. Show appreciation when they do.

If you are in an organization where you are not the owner don’t ever underestimate what you can bring to your employer. Taking ownership of a project or some area of operation is a great way to expand your skill set and increase your team’s confidence in your abilities. Think of yourself as being in business for yourself. Your product is you! You can package, market and sell your benefits to your employer and everyone wins.

If you are an entrepreneur, recognize a good intrapreneur when you see one. If you are an employee, don’t be afraid to step up and be that team member who makes things happen.