Every Walt Needs a Roy

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last 75 years (and if that’s the case you’re most likely not reading this) you know of Walt Disney. Have you ever heard of Roy O. Disney? Roy was Walt’s older brother and an integral part of the success of the Disney companies. While Walt was the dreamer, Roy was often the doer. And the voice of reason.

“Every Walt needs a Roy and every Roy needs a Walt. Every dreamer needs a doer. Every starter needs a finisher. Every entrepreneur needs an administrator…If you want to achieve great things, then find the person who supplies what you lack and who lacks what you supply.” Pat Williams How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life (CHI 2004)

We all have certain strengths and weaknesses. It is sometimes good to work to improve upon your weaknesses so they aren’t a hindrance, but it’s always more efficient (and usually more fun) to play to your strengths. Ideally, you find someone who complements you. Someone who is strong where you lack. A Roy to your Walt. When you have people on your team who complement you, far more can be achieved than going it alone.

Some of you are reading this and immediately know “I’m a Walt!” or “Yup. I’m always the Roy.” But don’t worry if it doesn’t seem that simple. Some of us can be either depending on the season of our life or the situation/relationship we are in. For example: I think I’m a pretty good leader most of the time. However, I’m NOT a good administrator. I like to identify potential problems and come up with creative ways to solve them but lack the patience it takes to completely carry out the plan (and heaven forbid I have to make phone calls!) However, at other times in my life I have been the voice of reason and the one who says “That sounds like a good idea, but let’s think about this for a minute. You need a plan!”

“Intrapreneur” is an interesting term that’s been coined fairly recently. I’ll be addressing that in the next post.  In the meantime, if you are a Walt make sure you have a Roy by your side and that you respect and appreciate them. If you are a Roy know that you play a very important role even if it is often “unsung.”  So, at this time in your life, are you a Walt or a Roy?

No Free Pizza!

“Real friends don’t ask friends for free pizza!” Have you ever heard that famous quote? No? It was posted by my friend Kris who owns a (fabulous) local pizza place. I think he was a little frustrated at the time.

If you own a business or are in a leadership position you’ve probably noticed a certain phenomenon. People you are really close to seldom ask for favors or free stuff. People you are “kind of” close to seem to have no problem thinking you can just “do them a little favor.” Has something like that ever happened to you? Frustrating, isn’t it? Sometimes it makes you want to not do business with anyone you know. Don’t let it make you feel that way. An ever-increasing circle of friends can be a great asset to a business. You don’t make friends to expand your business – that’s artificial. You get to know people and naturally expand your network – that’s relational.

In his book Thou Shall Prosper (Wiley, 2010) Rabbi Daniel Lapin says “Make lots of new friends, try to help them, and make sure they all know how you could help them and that you are eager to do so.” Supporting your friends, especially in a small community, church community or social network is vital to the success and culture of your community. Small business (and franchisees of national brands count here) can and should thrive in our communities.

Rational friends will not expect you to give away your products or services. Since they are going to be spending money anyway, they should want to spend it with you! And you with them, when the opportunity arises. In a perfect “give and take” relationship, all parties support the businesses of the other parties. I buy pizza from Kris, he buys eyewear from me, we both take that money and spend it in locally owned salons, bookstores, etc, etc. Can we sometimes get a product cheaper at a big retailer? Probably. Does that invest much capital back into our community? No. Is it worth the extra expense to support our friends in local business? Absolutely.

I hope you don’t have friends asking for free pizza. More importantly – don’t be one of those friends! How can you support your friends in local business?

Make Some Magic

“Walt’s life teaches us to do a good day’s work and try to make magic for everyone who crosses your path each day. Make their day happy and lighten their burden by taking notice of them.”  – Ron Stark, Disney historian in How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life by Pat Williams (HCI, 2014)

What simple advice to make a HUGE difference in our world! What if each of us as doctors, teachers, business owners, employees, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends made a little effort each and every day to do just a few simple things

  • Do a good day’s work. Go to work. Do your job. Do it well. Do it with joy. Even if you don’t love what you are doing in your career right now, even if you don’t leave your home to do your day’s work, find the joy within you and put your all into your work. The more difficult your work or the less you enjoy it the more fulfilling it will be when you make it good. The day is going to go by anyway…make it a good day!
  • Take notice of people. It’s amazing how many people cross our path on a daily basis. Work, church, store, Facebook, school. How often do you take the time to notice those around you? They are experiencing joys, hurts, confusion, worry and excitement. Even if you don’t have time for a lengthy conversation, Care. Smile. Touch. You might be the only kindness in a difficult day.
  • Make magic and lighten their burden. How cool is that? Doesn’t it just make you smile when you think about making “magic” for someone? Bring someone a cup of coffee or hot chocolate (it’s 20 degrees as I write this)  Write a thank you note. Pass out stickers. YOU can lighten someone’s burden. That is POWERFUL my friends!

When at Walt Disney World a few years ago, my sister was waiting with her almost-two year old in the hot afternoon sun while the rest of the family did something else. A cast member (Disney speak for employee) came over and presented them with some ice cream stating that “Mrs. Potts” (you know, the teapot from Beauty and the Beast) had sent it out to them. Cast members at Disney are empowered to create magic for guests. YOU can do the exact same thing for those you come in contact with. It doesn’t have to take money. It often doesn’t take a lot of time. You just have to be a little intentional. Do a good day’s work. Take notice. Make some magic.